Privacy Policy


We understand the importance of protecting your privacy online. That’s why we’ve developed this privacy policy to inform you about the information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it. It applies to all services offered by Forjed.

Information Collected

We do not collect any personal information from our users. We do not track users, save their search history and checking your data. Period.

How do we see visits to our sites?

We simply use nothing to make sure to be 100% Privacy-focused. No IP, no info, nothing.

About the services integrated in Forjed and others services

Some services integrated have their own Privacy Policy. Forjed uses Cloudflare for DNS management and protecting the site.

Regarding Cloudflare:

While Cloudflare professes a commitment to privacy, it’s essential to note that we do not utilize any scripts or statistical integrations provided by Cloudflare on our websites. Therefore, no user information is collected by this entity.

List of Privacy Policies:

From Cloudflare


We use cookies for the good functioning of the integrated services, the site, and others. Cookies are stored locally on your browser to save some settings, such as personalization and cache, allowing the website to load faster (by default with your browser and not by our services). Forjed will never store cookies that track or take information about you during your usage. If you want to clean or block cookies, you can see the instructions here:

In Google Chrome: go to Settings > Privacy and security > Site Settings > Cookies and site data, and adjust your settings as desired.

In Mozilla Firefox: go to Options > Privacy and Security, and adjust the settings under the “Cookies and Site Data” section.

In Microsoft Edge: go to Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies, and adjust your settings as desired.

In Brave: go to Settings > Cookies and other site data, and adjust your settings as desired.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new policy on this site.

For more privacy policy questions or comments, contact us at [email protected], mention @forjedofficial in your tweet or DM on Twitter.